Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Repeating A Task Til It Becomes Routine

It's happening!  I'm beginning to feel the sensation of satisfaction from moving my body in space.  I'm accepting the reality of my present situation and therefor when changes happen ever so small like today I'm noticing.

It happened when I was "working out" at home, I felt what I like to call, "the kick".  It's a feeling that you get about 15 minutes in where you begin to feel the propulsion of your pelvis through space.  I even had moments where I felt like I was on my leg.  I was also able to identify the moments when I was not and took the time to  make the shift and realign.  It begins with relaxing the calves and allowing them to reach toward the floor providing gravity a muscle group to pull down on.  Then I literally moved my greater trochanter forward about 2 inches and exhaled.

I must admit though, the best portion of my work out happened when I remembered the sensation of my breathing from the Feldenkrais work out that I engaged in this weekend at Visceral Dance with Mme Peff (http://www.movementprocessforliving.com).  The extraordinary and useful findings.  I was able to maintain a calm breathing style whole moving with intensity.  I concentrated on the relaxation of my rhythm and the ease of my breath.  It was a wholesome feeling to realize that regardless of the impact of my activity I could maintain the integrity of my breath.

For the first time in years I am looking forward to tomorrow's physical engagement and the newness to be discovered.  Will tomorrow be the day that I can reach my head to my knees while stretching?  This is the sensation that I am striving for each day.  As silly as it sounds this is one of the actions that my body internally longs to revisit and that I measure my fitness worth by.   

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