Sunday, June 5, 2011

Commonly Unique

The experience of taking a Feldenkrais workshop with Mme Peff is fulfilling and engaging.  It offers privacy in a public setting, where you can engage in a spiritual conversation with your essence, subtle body as well as your physical body.  The calmness and attention that you pay to the leaders voice as she directs and suggests provides room for discovery and space for new patterns of movement. 

Today when I returned home after the workshop I was hungry, tired and in need of a nap.  The hunger and need to sleep are a sign that your nervous system is integrating all of the information you have taken in and are currently processing and registering.  The sleep that I engage in is soothing and provides a velvety sensation behind my eyes as I continue to unfold within the breath.  I surrender to the relaxation of my heavy body and contented thoughts and slumber until my eyes flutter open and the first thought to my mind is the breath.

These experiences provide me the opportunity to examine without judgement the truths of my body as I lie in a surrendered state on the floor.  I always bring a blanket in case I feel a chill,  I remain patient through the restless leg sensations and I close the door to the ego chatter.  I have an opportunity to reflect on the commonness of my uniqueness.  I have this overwhelming sensation of being deeply connected to the concept that we are all unique and distinct and that is something we have in common.  This sense of connectivity reminds me to have the courage to engage in life and friendship and to engage in the common uniqueness that I have to offer.

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